Media Distribution Panel

Panel: Innovation in Media Distribution

Saturday, March 20, 2:00 p.m. Vorenberg Classroom, Langdell North

This panel will explore how technological change is shaping the production of media content and affecting the distribution of news and information.

The discussion will focus on identifying competing interests in these areas and discussing the legal and societal ramifications of recent technological developments. Specifically, the impact of weblogs, webcasting and streaming, and digital broadcasting and recording on content quality and access will be addressed.


John Palfrey serves as Executive Director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society and is a Lecturer on Law here at Harvard Law School. His research interests include the Internet and democracy, intellectual property, and technology law as it relates to commercial transactions. His recent work includes "Public Participation in ICANN" (along with co-authors Noah Eisenkraft, Clifford Chen, and Sam Hwang) and a working paper entitled "The End of the Experiment: How ICANN's Foray into Global Internet Democracy Failed." Mr. Palfrey is also a member of the research team of the Digital Media Project. Previously, Mr. Palfrey was with the law firm Ropes & Gray, where he worked on intellectual property, Internet law, and private equity transactions. Mr. Palfrey is also a co-founder and a former officer of a venture-backed technology company. He also maintains a blog. Mr. Palfrey has degrees from Harvard College, the University of Cambridge, and Harvard Law School.


Dr. Kevin Kawamoto is the author and editor of two books, respectively, on digital media: Media and Society in the Digital Age, published by Allyn & Bacon, and Digital Journalism: Emerging Media and the Changing Horizons of Journalism, published by Rowman & Littlefield. He was the technology studies manager at The Freedom Forum Media Studies Center when it was located at Columbia University in New York City and taught courses in digital media as an assistant professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, where he also received his Ph.D. in communications. He has given presentations at more than 30 mostly media-related conferences or seminars and currently works in public relations. He is currently writing a book about public relations and digital media.

Mark Lloyd is the Executive Director of the Civil Rights Telecommunications Forum, a project created to bring civil rights principles and advocacy to the communications policy debate. Mr. Lloyd also serves as General Counsel and a member of the Board of Directors of the Benton Foundation, a national foundation based in Washington, DC which promotes media in the public interest through its work with the foundation and non-profit community. Previously, Mr. Lloyd worked as a communications attorney at the Washington, DC law firm of Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, where he represented commercial communication companies, including Cox Broadcasting, Comcast Cable, Black Entertainment Television, Inc., and a variety of noncommercial companies including Ohio State University Broadcasting, WETA, and the Instructional Television Council. In addition, Mr. Lloyd has nearly twenty years of award-winning experience as a journalist. A recipient of the University of Michigan's Avery Hopwood writing award, Mr. Lloyd wrote regularly for the Michigan Daily and the Westland Eagle, he has had articles and commentary on communications and affirmative action issues printed in the Washington Post, the Christian Science Monitor, and FOCUS magazine. He is also a former broadcast reporter, talk show host, and producer of radio and television programs which have aired on both public and commercial stations, locally and nationally. He is the recipient of an EMMY, a CINE Golden Eagle, and a variety of other awards for his work in television and radio. Mr. Lloyd has also served with the 1992 Clinton Transition Team and in the Clinton White House advising the President and the Office of Domestic Policy on personnel, policy, and organizational issues related to arts and communications. Mr. Lloyd received his Bachelor's degree from the University of Michigan, where he majored in both Political Science and Journalism, and his Juris Doctor from Georgetown University Law Center.

Peggy Miles is the President and Founder of Intervox Communications, considered the leading digital broadcasting company providing Internet interactive project management and implementation, Net broadcasting consultation and electronic commerce solutions. Ms. Miles is also founder of - International Webcasting Association and Executive Editor of “Digital Media Magazine” (formerly Streaming Magazine). In addition she has authored several books on digital broadcasting including Internet Age Broadcaster, Internet World Guide to Webcasting: the Complete Guide to Broadcasting on the Web and NAB Executive Technology Briefing - DTV and Digital Broadcasting (forthcoming).

Dr. David Weinberger is a co-author of the bestselling book, The Cluetrain Manifesto and author of Small Pieces Loosely Joined. He is a frequent commentator on National Public Radio's "All Things Considered" and "Here and Now," is a columnist for KMWorld, and has been published in many magazines including Wired, Harvard Business Review, Salon, The NY Times, and Release 1.0. He is also the author of three weblogs: Joho the Blog, Loose Democracy, and Many2Many. David was Senior Internet Advisor to the Dean campaign and was recently accepted as a Fellow at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society. He has a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Toronto.

Matthew Zinn is currently Vice President, General
Counsel, Secretary, and Chief Privacy Officer for TiVo Inc. In this
role, Mr. Zinn is responsible for all of the company’s legal, public
policy, and consumer privacy issues. Previously, Mr. Zinn was Senior
Counsel, Broadband Law and Policy for MediaOne Group Inc. in Denver,
Colorado. In this role he developed strategies and advocacy positions on
video and high-speed data issues, including privacy, negotiated
carriage deals with television programmers, and provided legal support
to MediaOne’s corporate marketing, sales, and operations. Prior to
MediaOne, Mr. Zinn was Corporate Counsel for Continental Cablevision in
Los Angeles, California. Before moving west, Mr. Zinn worked for the law
firm of Cole, Raywid & Braverman in Washington, D.C. representing
communications clients before federal, state, and local government
agencies. Mr. Zinn holds a juris doctorate from the George Washington
University National Law Center and a bachelor’s of arts degree in
political science from the University of Vermont. He is a frequent
speaker at conferences addressing legal and policy issues confronting
the multi-channel video industry.